The IEM curriculum includes both fundamental and core specialty courses. The fundamental courses, such as calculus and computer programming, foster essential abilities and the core courses, such as industrial engineering management, statistics, quality management, production management, work study, materials management, and facilities planning, nurture professional competences. The following programs are designed to develop feature professional competences respectively:
Production Manufacturing Program: The goal is to cultivate the students’ ability of manufacturing automation. The training highlights applying theories of operation research and production systems to plan, operate, and evaluate automated production system.
Information Systems Program: The goal is to cultivate the students’ ability of planning, integrating, applying and maintaining a variety of information systems to bring up the efficiency of production, logistics and marketing system so to enhance corporate productivity.
Management Program: The goal is to cultivate the students’ ability of scheming, analyzing, and making decisions in relation to business management, so they can insightfully perceive industry trends when engaging in e-commerce.
The main research activities of this department are industry-academia collaboration projects. Every faculty member undertakes at least one project with an enterprise each year and leads students to the site to precede practical case studies. Other research highlights are the study on course design and course modification, the utilization of advanced and leading business management information to small and mid-sized businesses, and National Science Council Research Projects.