History and Background

The Department of Industry Engineering and Management (IEM) was established in August 1991. Dr. Kowang Sun-Peng was in charge of the establishment of the department and served as the first chair. The department has grown from only one class in the initial stage to a total of twelve nowadays. Student enrollment has reached 300 in all programs, including that of daytime, nighttime, and weekend continuing education divisions.
Since its inception, IEM has kept the curriculum aligned with governmental policies of business upgrading, industry automation and computerization. In addition, the core business in central Taiwan is small- to medium-scaled manufacturers, which demand a substantial number of capable management to run the operations. To meet the industry needs, IEM sets its educational objective as to foster competent small and medium business management personnel. Thanks to the high achievement of its well-trained graduates, the Department has established a reputation over the years. Presently, IEM is also aiming at the cultivation of higher management, and the students are motivated to move forward by pursuing further study.